The Broader Theory
Of course, I am not a physicist. However, I am conscious. I am very much aware that I am. This lonely sense of self is isolated from all other selves who supposedly have the same, subjective sense. But I must stop right there and admit that any other self, with a unique sense of self, can only be inferred; I have no idea if anyone feels the way I feel. Other selves appear to unanimously agree with me; we are all separated and experiencing the entire world from our own, private point of view. The trouble arises when I say that I know how others feel. To make this simpler, I could point to the way events seem to unfold in a nocturnal dream. When I am dreaming, I have the same sort of sense of self I have while awake, but when I am awake, I reflect on a dream and realize that others in my dream could not have had their own sense of self. This seems nearly too simple to mention, but when I am dreaming at night, I’m having complicated relationships with made up individuals. I’ve had...