It Takes Two
“Duality, is always secretly unity.” ~ Alan Watts Watts has successfully taught me to believe that the interconnectedness of everything is what makes everything so. A Stick cannot lean on its own. There must be something for it to lean upon. The Chinese symbol for man is two sticks leaning on each other. It is ironic that my father-in-law nicknamed my wife, Stick. I sometimes feel I must lean on her, but I fail to see that she also leans on me. The intervals of reality are not endings or beginnings; they are all there to hold the holes together. The universe is mostly dark matter, held together by dark energy. The implications of this awareness is that the holes in a net mean more than the cords and intervals we sense in physical ways. As Watts says, you cannot have just mountains; there must be some fundamental earth underneath. And this is the same for every detail in the universe; no detail is what it is without the works. That includes yourself. The German word heil and