The Maze
Everything about your overall experience is felt by a
greater, overall experience. Your personal thoughts are your most significant,
initial contribution to The Whole. I heard Alan Watts say something like this: “You
say that what lies beneath your skin is your inside; that’s true. So, in the
same way, what lies outside your skin is your outside.”
Of course, I am presently dialed into Alan Watts, and I was
able to grasp the meaning of this statement instantly. It seems we often forget
how much authority we have over our body and the condition of our body.
Likewise, it seems we’ve almost completely forgotten how much influence we have
on everything.
If you find that your body and your senses can and do absorb
information from your environment, then it should not be difficult to imagine
being able to influence that same environment by a process of reverse
engineering. If you can absorb enough information to infer a blue sky, then
your imagination could easily dab rain-filled clouds onto that same environmental
canvas. You have that much authority.
There is a reason why we don’t always witness instant
changes based on our hopes; we’ve simply forgotten that it works.
The fact that you are an actor in a play has escaped your
memory completely. It was planned this way. Even as I write these words, I cannot
believe them. This is an example of how impenetrable the partition is. As a game
piece, if I knew I was being played, I’d abandon free will and wait for The
Observer to move me into a winning position. What a disappointment this would
be for The Game Creator. Every section of your life’s pathway has been designed
with you in mind. The Creator, The Developer, The Author, wants you to succeed
and that is the whole point. But you are designed to find the hacks. The times
you fail to make it to the next level are there for your learning. You are to
learn how to get through as a winner.
“Everything written down, was written for our learning, that
we, through patience and comfort of what was written, might have hope.” Romans 15:4
Even the words I am writing are written so that you will
have hope.
The whole idea, The Big Idea, is that you are here to win.
“I am glad, and I have written about this good news; and
even my body will rest in hope. I won’t be left in hell. I won’t experience corruption.
The Author has revealed the ways of my life; that I will be filled with joy.” Acts 2: 26-28 MCV
The clues and the hardships are not there to hurt you; they
are there to grow you and to help you to achieve the ultimate goal.
Life is a maze. You were placed at the entrance to the maze
on the day you were born. Everything about this game – good and bad – is there
for your advancement. The very first thing that happened to you was a total
wipe. You were not fitted with awareness, but you were given an onboard
processor, capable of navigation through the maze. The initial wipe and the
onboard computer successfully create the illusion that nothing exists outside
the maze. However, we sometimes feel we are being observed. We are.
There is a deeper truth to this; and it is the hardest part
to believe: You designed and You developed this maze, for yourself. And as you
work to find your way through this maze, the fact that You wiped your own
memory of having created this challenge is exactly why the challenge works. You
never meant to fail; and you won’t fail.
Let’s just consider a God at the very center of Creation. You
may come to think of God as a man-like Being, with superior intelligence and
ultimate power and authority. Or you may think of God by some other name; like
Nature. You may feel certain that what I refer to as God is nothing more and nothing
less than evolution, going through alternating ons and offs, choosing better
results for each generation of every species of life. Each concept is
acceptable and reasonable. In fact, the millions of unique concepts tend to
come to the same, important conclusions. The key truth seems to be that All is
One. However you get there, finding yourself as an expression of The All is the
point I am trying to get to.
So as not to make this religious, I’ll use the term “Nature”
for a moment. Nature wants success. Nature wants birds to fly and nature wants
weeds to prosper and take over flowers. Nature wants flowers to overcome weeds
and grow in spite of them. Nature wants moons to orbit planets and nature wants
planets to orbit stars. Nature wants rivers to flow and obey gravity and nature
wants water to overcome gravity to become a cloud. Nature wants stars to
overtake their planets and nature wants new planets to form. Nature wants
snakes and nature wants eagles who eat snakes. It is not difficult to imagine
Nature as that which enjoys success, and that which creates environments where
success occurs.
You are THAT. You are a snake and an eagle, a planet and a
moon, a river and a cloud. It should be easy to see that you have been created for
success. Your hope should be to succeed. In order for you to go along with
nature, as planned, you should be looking for and finding ways to succeed.
Nature says,
“I know the thoughts that I think on your behalf; thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end. Then
you can call upon me, and you shall pray to me, and I will listen to you. You’ll
look for Me, and find Me when you search with all of your heart.” ~ Jerimiah
29: 11-13 MCV
In order for you to succeed, you have to accept the
opposites. Water is a good example. Water can be ice; ice that stops a river. Water
can be gas; gas which defies gravity. Water can be liquid; rain which obeys
gravity and makes the river mightier; mighty enough to carve a path through the
ice which was once the obstruction. Water, therefore, was never intended to
All of Nature has been designed with this pattern of
absolute winning in mind.
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