Who Is Jimmy Carter


Carter’s legacy has been, and will continue to be, documented for future researchers. Millions of minute-by-minute details of his life have already been carefully recorded. There are recordings of his speeches and details of his policy decisions. He was praised and criticized in equal measures. Any president is always remembered based on how well the economy fared during his term. In Carter’s case, the nation’s economy drove itself off a cliff during his time in office. There was no way it could have been stopped. In any case, he is a fine American.

What has entropy done to the physical body of Mr. Carter? It is the same as with any other human body; its days are certainly numbered.

Not everyone is as concerned as I am, but I want to know who Jimmy Carter is today. I don’t want to know his body’s vital signs. Those are probably important to the medical staff around the former president. I don’t need to know if he is still communicating with words or if he is experiencing specific difficulties relating to the advanced age of his body. I don’t really need to know if he still remembers being president or if he understands that Rosalynn’s body has now been laid to rest. All of this would not tell us who he is.

We can tell, from various reports, that Mr. Carter’s body is not doing well, but given its age, this comes as no surprise. As with other bodily functions, his mind may not be as sharp as it once was. Still, his body’s aging is having no effect on his life’s story. So much of what he accomplished has been preserved by written word, recordings, videos and memories. There are paintings, photos, engravings and statues. Carter’s impact upon the world is a record we will always have.

But who is he?

Where is the accumulation of his own experience? As related to personal, subjective experience, will Mr. Carter’s subjective experience with the objective world soon come to an end?

We know his legacy will carry on. He will be remembered as a hero by some and a disaster by others. That’s the price one pays for having taken the job he once took. So, even if we look only at our own objective experience, it would not be difficult to see traces of Jimmy Carter’s influence in various places. His legacy could be thought of as sewn into the fabric of the physical reality we can easily witness. But that would not reveal his deepest thoughts, his love for his family or the feelings evoked by pictures of a long-lost companion. These are examples of his personal consciousness and not visibly sewn into anything we can observe in any way. And this is the who I am looking for.

Unless your personal memory is capable of reaching back over 42 years, as of this writing, you could not have any memory of Jimmy Carter as president. I personally remember his term very well. Most days, I interact with people who happen to be younger than 42. Therefore, even the actual memory of Jimmy Carter in office could not possibly be the same, subjective reality for myself and anyone so young. I mention this as a way of excusing collective memory from the discussion. While I have a memory of Jimmy Carter’s time in office, he is much more than that memory.

If we were to give our opinion of what Mr. Carter is, in purely physical terms, it would only verify the fact that he is obviously an old man. And if we were to try to figure out how well his mind is presently functioning, this would likely verify that he is not presently the same as he was when he was younger; mentally speaking. It is very likely that he has forgotten some portions of his own experience.

With these observations in mind, it is impossible to witness a living, sum-total of the complete experience had by Jimmy Carter thus far.

Does this mean the sum-total, subjective experience of Jimmy Carter, does not even exist?

It would seem that if Mr. Carter cannot recall the sum of his life’s story, then only the impact of it remains. And this does explain the physical phenomena entirely, but it does not clarify who he is.

If Jimmy Carter is more than whatever he can presently experience, and if he is more than the impact he has had upon life, and if he is more than the lost, subjective details, lying dormant on an expired timeline, then what is the more we are speaking of? Where is the “more” stored?

Can this be answered?

These details, if accumulated, retained, stored and preserved, could only be available in an Akashic sense. This may be a misuse of the term, “Available”.

I tend to use the word “life” as a reference to The Whole or The I Am.

While Life cannot be measured, it is easy enough to accept. It’s a universal term, much like The Universe itself. I cannot fathom the size of The Universe. However, it is not difficult for me to believe I am in The Universe. I cannot measure Life, but it is easy for me to believe I am of Life.

With that in mind, I am aware of this commonality I share with the former president. He is also of Life. Therefore, whatever All happens to be, I am aware that I am in there, with my story in its entirety. Jimmy Carter is also in there, with his life-story in its entirety. Nothing is not in the Akashic Record.

Of course, there are a few people who have said that they can even access this record. This is where my doubt-O-meter pegs out. You see, The Akashi Record is not just a record of past events, stories and experiences; it extends throughout eternity in all directions. That obviously covers the future; which would mean that someone who can access The Record, should easily be able to pick the winning lottery numbers precisely. And we can test this: it cannot be done.

So what’s the point?

If Jimmy Carter, and his lovely wife, Rosalynn, are still together and young, within one of The Father’s many mansions, and yet inaccessible, why does it even matter?

It would not really matter to yourself, myself or himself (Carter, that is). And this is why it is very helpful to remember that this life, on this earth, in this body is an act. This is a scene. This is a drama. And this is where it gets really complicated.

There is really only One I, responsible for all of the experiences of Life and the Akashic Record of it All.

Every thing, every experience, every thought, every feeling and every partition is perpetually secure within The One Who has no thing, no experience, no thought, no feeling and no partition. Years from now and years ago are side-by-side and only considered separated thanks to our unawareness. To be aware is only to realize that nothing can be separate from All, in the same way no one can go outside The Universe and look back on it. The Highest Self is The I Am and The I Am is Self-Contained.

There is only one clue we are commonly given that might give us some sense of how wonderful this could be: we dream. When you dream, you are all that takes place in that drama. You are the many players, the places, the stories and the partitions. When you awaken from a nocturnal dream, you become aware that you must have played all of the parts, choosing only one of the perspectives. You must have created the partitions between that observer and the observed. You must have created the places and the details and finally, you must have authored the story.

The I Am is awakening as I write. When I Am awakens, you and your story will be remembered by The Self, as The Self, through Whom your life’s story was believed to be Your Own. You’ll then be more aware of Your Authorship and portrayal of the protagonist you are right now.

And Jimmy Carter? As The Self, he will remember being Jimmy Carter and the story won’t be in the past or the future, but in the ever-present Mind of I Am, where it was originally conceived of and even portrayed. The many stories are time-stamped for the characters, but for The Actor, All is Now.

I’m not theorizing as much as I am stating the obvious: All would necessarily have to be All there is.

I Am is All.



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