

There Is A God

I am not the only person to have debated this question in his or her own mind. I’ve gone back and forth and my answer only fluctuates as much as the definition of God does. I find it easy to accept Nature as The One to be Honored and adored. But subdividing nature and categorizing the qualities of nature seems to take Nature back to a more random event. God, by definition, could not be so random.

So how do I define God? God, in my view, has to be enlarged to include All, or reduced to no-thing…

Or both.

I have studied the afterlife and I have read a lot about what others believe about it. We all have these bodies and we eventually get the idea that the body cannot possibly go on for as long as one would like. So some of us begin to wonder if the brain is a fleshy organ where thoughts are stored and organized and used while the body remains; or if, on the other hand, the body is one thing, wherein the actual person can be found for the time being.

If I am to survive this body, it must be assumed that I was a survivor of another body when I entered this body.

How could that be? When I entered this body, 59 years ago, I was stupid. I did not know that the aching in my belly could be alleviated by food. I did not even know I had a belly or that there was food. Obviously, if I had lived before, it would seem that I should know something about life on earth and how to deal with it. And yet I knew nothing.

I did not know enough to form a thought. That’s why I cannot even remember being a newborn baby. In order to have a memory, I would need forms. The forms could be words or images, but the images would need labels or finding them in a brain’s catalog would prove impossible. I quickly became rather familiar with my mom’s face, but It wasn’t until I found a label she would respond to that I could store her in my computer.

This does not bode well for reincarnation.

Bu let us come at the question with a different answer and see if it will fit. Was I a survivor of another body whenever I started life in this body? I really was. But the key here is to recognize I.

Life grows out of the living. That is the characteristic which separates life from death. My brain developed thoughts because my body came from a living body. I was once little more than a growth in my mother’s womb; a disease she would need to be cured of; the occurrence of me required deliverance from her; that’s why it is called a delivery.

Everything I was, within seconds of my birth, had been completely linked to my mother’s body just moments earlier, but was split away to begin its own story. Inside every pregnant woman, there is a body forming, with a brain. The brain, when delivered in the new body, will begin taking over the whole process of living for the new person.

Likewise, within every person, there are cells, intellectually going about the business of cells.

The real rub comes when we try to tie thoughts to life. Thoughts are not Life. Thoughts come and go. You have a thought, right now, that you did not have a moment ago. So no matter how important you think this thought may be, it isn’t.

If you can manage to think of I without thought, then you can manage to believe that you were alive before you had a thought and that you will live beyond thought.

It is not an easy thing to do. But forgetfulness helps. We consider yesterday as a point in time where we had experiences we now recall. However, most of what we recall of yesterday is just a tiny fraction of what yesterday actually consisted of. Dragging all of yesterday’s details into the present would require The Groundhog Effect. You would have to continue to live yesterday over and over in order to really remember yesterday completely. The moment you reduced the experience to a thumbnail, you could experience a new day. If you really want to click that thumbnail, and open yesterday up with no decay, the clarity of yesterday requires your presence.

Reducing experience down to a zipped file, represented by a thumbnail-view, allows for expansion, beyond the events of yesterday. Now for the hard part:

Dragging the thumbnails to the recycle bin, puts them in the back of your mind. We do this every hour.

We try, however, not to empty the recycle bin. As humans, we like to have the bin, sitting there in the corner of our desktop, where we can go there, open those older files and repopulate them cognitively. We call this “being reminded”.

In life, there is one more layer to consider; The Mother Board. The Mother Board is Mother Nature, God, Love and so on. This is where there is conservation of what we have labeled as Life. A new baby is nothing more and nothing less than an old console with an empty recycle bin.

One way to remember this is to think of the cons.






Okay, here we are seeing the pattern of the cons. It seems to mean that something is carried on.

So, in a console, what do we have etymologically?

This gets interesting, but the term, “console”, was around as more than a desktop for a long time. Naturally, we forget. But you could have a console where a radio was fixed. You could have a console TV. And more recently, you could have a console for your computer.

I am only proposing we are con-souls of this sort.

If you go to a store that specializes in technology, there is a smell. It is intoxicating. Likewise, the nursery of the hospital has a new smell too. That’s where mothers go to get their new console. There it is, lying in a clear container, moving around without a lot of skill. You have to wrap in in a cloth of some kind, take it home and upload it. It was made in the womb, but it came out wiped. The little bundled Con-soul is made from physical parts of the father and the mother. Those parts were just leftover parts; but critical for the construction of a baby. Of course it lived before, but not as this version. This is the latest model. This one, if properly cared for, will outlast the previous versions. It can hold more memory and it can store a lot of new programs. It was necessary for this one to dump the memories of the previous versions. I would have been born with memories of The Civil War and The Great Depression. These would have been of no value in a model that was not involved in a civil war or a severe depression; so the programs were not included. If I needed software on how to avoid sabretooth tigers, I would have come out running 40 miles an hour. That’s an obsolete program. The fear of sabretooth is intact as an instinctual fear; that’s all I need.

If you cannot recall your previous versions; that’s good. You do not need to remember them. You will notice that you have the bits you need from history. You may find you still have a fear of heights, even though it has been seven hundred years since you fell to one of your deaths. The respect for heights is all you need. It is not necessary for you to remember how the ground looks as you once approached it to an end.

So the sticky problem is this: do you live again? Yes, you do. But will you remember being you?

The memory of being you will not be installed in your next con-soul. It is, however, preserved on The Motherboard, in a tiny chip. This is all rather metaphoric, but your thoughts are, in fact, energy. They are energy which is always in flux. You know this from experience. You’ve already forgotten things. What you actually remember from yesterday is really only what is necessary for survival. As yesterday pulls back more and more, you will find your memory of it getting smaller and smaller, but you won’t miss the memory of the sound of a distant car going by at exactly 9:46 AM. It just isn’t necessary for you to log that onboard your con-soul.

What we find difficult to believe is that we won’t need to remember our own name whenever we get a new one.

Bill recently adopted two dogs and both of them had stories they simply could not tell. He named one Emma and the other Joe. Today, if you call Emma by her new name, she will answer. I suppose it is possible, that if someone called Emma by her former name, she might remember it. But it serves no purpose for her in her new role as Emma.

Whenever You are born again, you won’t need the name you have today. You may have some memories of some important details. If you were a bird, perhaps one hundred years ago, you may even dream of that experience, where you fly above rooftops and trees. You did not have a name, so no label will occur to you. You did not identify as a particular color, so that label cannot be a part of your new con-soul. But, in a dream, on a really nice, quiet night, you may find yourself, almost persuaded that you can fly. This is as much instinct as your newfound legs and your ability to walk. Once you get used to walking around, you’ll have more and more dreams where you are walking and fewer where you fly. But if you boot up as a bird again, in another 100 years, you’ll be that bird who tends to walk a lot. Certain instincts are embedded in our DNA.

Afterlife? No. Eternal Life. Life itself is only One Event. Thoughts are like hairs on your head. They’ll grow, look good and shiny, and then they’ll fall to the drain in your shower. You’ll forget things you never thought you’d forget. Finally, your body stops growing and then it begins the process of dying. Little by little, the part you play changes and you are called upon less and less. The brain in your skull is but a ram device, holding temporary memories as needed for quicker recall when you really need them. If you are 20 and driving a racecar, your ram is working overtime to remember how to steer and when to brake. But then, when you are that former, race car driver, and now 90 years old, your ram of those events will barely operate. The body is only capable of holding recent memories for a period of time as necessary; True Consciousness is “your outer brain”

If you fell in Love with someone when you were 19, that is conserved in The Motherboard. It becomes a part of The Whole Story; even if it is lost on the ram of your personal con-soul.

You do have an afterlife; billions and billions of them. All of which will be rich or terrifying in their own way. However, if you think “I” is yourself, you will never find evidence to support the theory of that actor living on. You only need to look at the story you’ve already starred in to see that it does not last. If only today matters, then all that matters will be lost. But if All matters, then nothing can ever be lost.

Don’t worry. Think of this moment. Now look at yesterday and tell me where it is. It’s all gone. You cannot find yesterday anywhere. So?

You are here. What else matters?


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