I Am Db
At some point in most human lives, each individual begins to
wonder who they are. We have been given names and the names often have meanings
of their own. We sometimes know about our family’s history and we often place
some emphasis on that. You’ll read about people who were able to trace their
ancestry back to a king or even a criminal.
In America, if your last name happens to be Presley, you are
inevitably going to be asked, “Are you a relative?”
If you live in Liverpool and drive a cab, but your last name
is McCartney, your passengers are going to want to know.
Mike McGrear, however, is another story.
What did Sir Paul have that his brother did not have? A different
If you could ask Brian Epstein, he would have said that.
I am sure Mike McGrear had talent. He finally dropped his stage-identity
and reassumed his family name. Nowadays, Mike McCartney is getting old, just
like his brother; only without the entire world knowing everything about him.
So allow me to digress:
Is Sir Paul McCartney more of an I Am than His brother Mike?
Truthfully, if you did not know of either one of them, they
might tell you they were “I Am” before they told you who they identified as.
One might say, “I am Paul” and the other, “I am Mike.”
“For while one sayeth, I am Paul; and another, I am Mike;
are ye not carnal?” ~ (A comedic take on I Corinthians 3:4)
“But who say ye that I am?” Matthew 16:15 KJV
I sometimes read this in a dyslexic way, so as to make the
question more philosophical. To rearrange the question only slightly, it could
read, “When you begin with ‘I am’, how would you finish that sentence?”
As humans, we need the label to identify the role being played.
Even in speech, we all begin with “I Am”. For the sake of research, we could
think of it as a mystical version of IMDb. The one we are more familiar with is
an online database of information about all kinds of roles being played, the
plots, the stories, the summaries, reviews and so on. The mystical counterpart
would be the “I Am Db.”
It has never been labeled as such, but it has been around
longer than any other database. We often just refer to it as history, but if
there were an online database where all of the stories, plots and actors were
kept as information, every detail at the end of every sentence that ever began
with “I Am” could be better understood.
Your story would be there. Who is the star? “I Am”, as
always. “I Am” plays every leading character in every story ever told. On the “I
Am Db” page, summarizing your entire life, there would be a synopsis, giving an
overview of your story, where it was set, the various roles supporting your
character, the environment of the story, the background, props and other fine
details. It isn’t a stretch to imagine this database. It is literally “The Book
of Life”. Your character knows all you need to know as your character. If
called upon to step out of character to talk about the character, you can
simply begin by saying, “I Am _________.”
In that blank, just go ahead and put the name you go by. But
in order to remember who you really are, think of the character the way all of
the other characters would see the character. It is always a role being
portrayed by The One I Am.
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