Other Selfs (**WARNING, some graphic detail which may be disturbing for some**)
It is not just me; humanity is slowly beginning to rediscover
The Force. The Force is the creative quality of the human imagination. This creative
period will develop more and more, whether you consciously decide to
participate or not. If you do not make the shift with humanity, you’ll find yourself
feeling more and more out of place as things begin to develop in contrast to
your limited involvement. It is best to find the current of collective
imagination and go with it. Art will change. Music will change. Styles will
change. You will get along physically without accepting changes, but if you
want to be a participant in collective awakening, allow yourself to feel what
humanity is feeling and see if this allows you to create more Joy. I do believe
you will find this experiment pleasurable.
We become what we imagine. This is true for Oneness, as in
All, and it is true for oneness, as in separate-selves. If you stubbornly
decide to identify as the separate-self, you will only create as much as you
can think or imagine as a body-bound-computer. It really only takes a slight
shift of awareness to identify as All. There is only one way to participate
with the collective imagination and that is to become aware, by way of Love,
that there are no others; only other-selfs.
As Neville used to say, “Others are just myself, pushed out.”
This idea does not come naturally, because it is rather
Supernatural. It is not religious; but The Truth just the same.
You can get this intellectually, but intellectualism is not
in the same format as the collective imagination, so the documents of reason
will not yield The Force; it only discusses it.
One clue, which is not easy to overlook and even harder to dismiss
is the persistent contrasts you will discover between yourself and your perceived
opposites. If you make an intellectual choice to point to these obvious
differences and bring them to court as evidence of your individualism, you will
win the case if your jury happens to be as stubbornly egoic as you are.
However, the defense will take this same evidence as proof of Oneness. The
defense will carefully detail the characteristics you abhor in others and it
will reveal everything you do not like about yourself. When you begin to see
others as characteristically revealing your good and bad qualities, and when
you finally say, “Indeed, I am like that on some level,” you will begin to
participate with the “good” others as well as the “bad” others and this may
never be as much a meeting of minds as it is a meeting of the beating hearts.
Two physical hearts, once entangled by a physical touch,
will beat in rhythm. This is not a sexual reference. In fact, I learned it
while slaughtering chickens for market. As graphic as this memory is, it changed
my life in a good way. By pure coincidence, my friend, Kenny and I happened
upon Kenny’s father and uncle on the day they were killing chickens for some
event where the meat was to be cooked and enjoyed by people who were fortunate
enough not to see what I saw. The men had set up a chopping block where they
were doing the unthinkable; at least from my point of view. However, they also
made a lesson out of this dreadful moment. Kenny’s uncle said, “Watch this.” And
off went the head of an unfortunate foul.
The headless body of the big bird managed to run around in
undefined circles without falling down. I was appalled and probably disturbed,
but I still watched the next killing to see if this phenomenon repeated; it
Taking advantage of my youthful curiosity, Kenny’s father
said, “Let me show you something even stranger.”
He removed the physical, beating hearts from two of the
birds he’d executed and placed them in one can, on either side. “Now,” he said,
“Watch what happens when the hearts touch.”
Circling the can in a way that brought the hearts together, Kenny’s
father instructed me to wait for the result. I saw two hearts that were beating
out of sync and then, as they “recognized” the shared touch, they began beating
in sync, and did so until they both ceased simultaneously.
One way or another, by some miracle or another, we will see
that we are all One.
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