The God Constant


With regards to what we now know about our unique Universe, the most important aspect would be its remarkable constants. Yes, remarkably, every computer simulation of an evolving universe, with varying constants, doesn’t just eliminate the likelihood of human evolution; they eliminate the likelihood of any kind of life. The research doesn’t suggest that if things were not as they are that life would be different; the research actually suggests that complexity would necessarily be exactly as complex as it is in order for any kind of life to form in the first place. This doesn’t mean that there could not be another star like ours, with another planet like ours in its orbit? Of course not. In fact, it is very difficult for me to imagine our earth as being unique, based on the scope of the universe. However, our universe, as compared to other universes, without the exact constants, would appear to stand out as the only candidate for life: ever.

This idea changes things in this way: we can no longer say that life would have begun and evolved differently with different constants; science is certain that life would not have begun without the precise nature of nature as it is.

What makes this idea so unusual? It increases the unlikelihood that the beginning would lead to you as one of the results. In my opinion, these findings are proof that you are a miracle.

If we could time-lapse the entire evolution of the universe, up to the point where you are sitting there, reading these words, and force it into a ten-minute video, the actual odds of you arising to become a witness to the video would be an infinite number to one against you. You, therefore, are not anything random at all; you are The Living result of The Universal Constants; all by yourself.

If, by being a witness to this moment, you are the result of absolutely everything and everyone else, then a new rule applies to you: You are a necessity.

The math would work if we started with you and went back to the beginning. You, being left out, would require everything and everyone else being left out. Constants are only true to their nature if they are perfect. You, not being where you are, to witness what you are witnessing, would reveal the only flaw in the constants of the universe and the whole idea would fall apart.

You are a link in the chain of everything; if you ceased to exist, so would everything else.

So this idea answers another ancient question differently: “Is there life after death?”

The answer is no, but do not worry; I will explain.

The question has always been impossible to answer for one reason: No dead person could ever reply.

The reason we cannot answer it is in the way we’ve asked the question. It is very much like asking, “What is beyond space?”

Even more related might be the question, “Is there space after space?”

In the case of space, we can think of it in the dual nature of space; it is everywhere and nowhere at the same time. What lies within space and what lies beyond space could only be space. Space is in space and outside of space.

In the same way, death cannot occupy Life. What we think of as Life and death, are only two sides of the same event: Life. Life is what allows for you as a witness; but you are within Life; never apart from it.

What we refer to as life and death are only the beginning and the ending of one in an endless series of experiences being had by Life. So from the perspective of the experience, looking outward, the answer is, yes, there is Life after death, just as surely as there was Life before birth.   

I believe the quandary that brings about anxiety may be whether or not this experience ends and there is ample proof that it does.

There is a reason this causes concern: the concern we have, regarding our fate, is the result of thoughts contained in the experience we are now having. Our thoughts are what holds the experience together and they give it the flavor it has. This has always bothered me some, but our thoughts do show signs of having beginnings and endings. Thoughts are, therefore, a part of the experience, not of Life.

The really good news is that thoughts are not necessary as one of the constants.

I will say it in a way that will seemingly contradict: as soon as you stop thinking your very last thought, you’ll become aware that what just occurred was more like a dream and that You simply had an experience which came to an end.

You could become aware of this even now, but if you completely rose above the experience to see it as an out-of-body-experience, the in-body-experience would have no value. As it is, the experience You are now having is charged with Your own belief in it. This is why it works and this opens up the possibility that it could be filled with joy as an experience and that joy could also fill Who You Really Are.

You are an experience. Everything about you is an experience. Everything that has ever happened to you is a part of this experience. I could go on, but we’d miss the point; the point is that experience has only one purpose: Joy.

The purpose of you is Joy.

You’ll have countless parts to play in the experience of your life, but you are not typecast by any role. You’ll always star in The Series, but the characters You play are always different.




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