Emanations All


It is very good to awaken. We are all emanations of the same conscious system. This is not to suggest we are based in thought. Thought itself is an emanation just as we are.

This concept is the most difficult to get. We have physical brains in our physical skulls and we are a witness to the arising of thought. Where does thought go when the body expires? It arises elsewhere. Where does the aliveness of the body go? It also arises elsewhere.

One way to look at it would be to consider a force which wanted you to be. You are an expression simply because you were desired; not just because…

To suggest that a persona arose to emanate The Source is to validate the persona as meaningful.

A deeper dive into why you are here will eventually yield only one, possible answer; no matter how you choose to look at it: You are here to experience Joy.

If there is any reason at all for the universe to exist, then that applies to you.

If, on the other hand, the dense singularity found itself under enough pressure to explode into a completely meaningless and endless series of expressions, that would mean that the entire universe, with its diversity and its enumerable forms of life, is just a series of side effects from the original, immense pressure felt by the tiny singularity.

This explanation just won’t work if you will take everything into consideration. You’d have to be willing to look at a newborn baby, a flower, the ocean and a sunset and be willing to say, “That’s just what you get when there is enough pressure.”


What I Believe

I believe that it makes much more sense to think of the singularity as the uncaused, and the first cause as the result of purposely dividing to experience otherness. Otherness yielded the desired result and set off a chain reaction that eventually led to you as one of the other expressions of the original singularity.

The Real God-Particle is still The Uncaused Singularity. There was never anything to crash into that original particle; everything had to erupt from it.

Why does this matter? It matters because it means that The Uncaused actually caused the first cause. If you will consider this term, cause, as defined, it suggests reason. If, therefore, The Uncaused caused the first cause, there is a reason for you as the emanation you are.

There could only be one reason for the original cause which led up to you: Joy.

No matter how important you may think any particular thing may be, the true value is in your joy and no thing at all.

What ever you happen to be doing, if you do not have joy, you are doing it wrong.

This is only one secret, hidden only to them that are lost. The other secret is that unshared joy diminishes or even fades out completely. This is why every good teacher will always teach Love. Love is another way of saying: The sharing of Joy.

The most original commandment is that we should love one another.

The only reason anyone has become an emanation of The One is to have the experience of Oneness as others. The path to Love is revealed when any-other becomes aware of Oneness.

It is not knowingness, but awareness. Knowing something is to know the story; being aware is to enjoy the story.





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