The Eternal Annuity


I feel as though I may be in the best state of my life. Are things perfect? Of course not. But, as I have discussed, having no evil would mean having no opposite of evil.

“When I would do good, evil is present with me.”

Whenever you have any kind of experience, you will find yourself having the experience of a state. If you will consider the subjective notion, which labels a situation as good, you’ll notice that your own notion has a reference to base itself upon. As surely as you’d label a situation as desirable, you would simultaneously be aware of how the same situation could have gone wrong. This is how we all know when something is good or bad. We have enough experience to know whether something is either good or bad. It’s almost as if our ego is made up of a panel of judges, each holding number cards and informing each state, based on how it qualifies as good or bad, by holding up 0-10.

The panel of judges is made up entirely by your past states. Everything you’ve been through so far, will prepare a representative to judge a situation, based on another, earlier state.

You may see a red, glowing piece of iron. An instinctual, past-life state, may hold up a zero, and all of the other judges (Your other states in this life) may not even vote. Perhaps you’ve never actually touched a glowing piece of iron in this life.

You may find yourself on the edge of a cliff and you’ll look over the edge, somehow fearful, even though you do not recall having ever fallen from such an elevation. The this-life, experiential portion of the panel, would have no idea what falling feels like, but the instinctual, past-life judges weigh in with alarms.

The accumulation of knowledge creates the expansion of understanding, while the accumulation of experiences creates the expansion of wisdom. Everything we label as instinct is the result of Morphic Resonance (See Sheldrake). DNA is chock full of experience; and that experience is exactly why most people are born with two of many body parts rather than one of each. It has been determined, by some earlier version, that two eyes are better than one eye. This does not translate as data, but it becomes a future state, based on corrections made over centuries. It may not seem like a fair comparison, but instinct operates the same way you do on any given day; you choose your clothes based on the way certain items feel and how they look to you in the mirror. In the same way, any mother of any species will usually know exactly what to do with her offspring, as soon as the offspring is born. The panel of judges are a part of the mother’s DNA. For every move she will make, there will be a series of cards held up, based entirely on every ancestor’s experience. The mother never sees any literal numbers, but she will know exactly what to do and what not to do. She is making very precise decisions based on the advice; resulting directly from the past-life-panel-of-judges.

This is not the same as memory. It is not typical to have clear memories of a past life experience. When we have clear memories, understanding accumulates and becomes a part of a present state. However, even without memories, wisdom can show up in the present; seemingly out of nowhere. If an X-ray could find experiences in an individual, a physician might say, “I see you have an enlarged experience in the area of falling from high places.”

The individual cannot see this experience, any more than they could see a tumor in their own body. In the case of a tumor, someone may say, “I suppose that’s why I feel sore in that area?”

The doctor would say, “Yes, it is likely.”

In the case of a past-life-experience (PLE), the same doctor – assuming he or she could see physical evidence of experiences – would say, “Your experience is very big.”

The patient, in that case, may say, “I suppose that’s why I feel anxious in certain situations?”

The doctor would say, “Yes, it is likely.”

Of course, this is not science yet. But it will be.

Do I really believe we are making decisions based on PLE? Absolutely.

PTSD is very real. It has been studied carefully and many people suffer as a result of serious trauma. This is often associated with wars and battlefields, but any major trauma can develop in a person as a disorder.

I believe we will eventually accept the science of PTLD: Past Traumatic Life Disorder. Psychologists have thousands of newer labels for even the subtlest, personality challenges, but not many of them are yet willing to suggest that any of them could be the result of a dreadful situation that happened a few lives ago. The fact that we cannot recall living before, seems to prevent us from assuming we have. But it is not so difficult for us to believe that the stuff we are presently made of was stuff before it made us. With that in mind, we would likely agree that every part of everything was always a part of something. The problem arises when we accord Life the same, historical, creative, evolutionary license we’ve given to our character.

For example:

I could say, “I do not like turnips because they seem bitter to me.”

I could also say, “I do not like looking down from extremely high places because they seem like deadly places to fall from to me.”

It is less mysterious to use the word “seem” in this case, but to explore why things seem dangerous or lovely or neutral would be to suggest that feelings have sources.

It is my belief that all feelings have sources; even if the sources remain forever out of our memory.

I want to continue pointing to the physical qualities of discomfort and how we say things like, “My head hurts.” All the while, not being able to think clear thoughts about the cause of our headache. It simply hurts and we may not know why. In the same way, thunder may cause deep, unaccountable fear in us, and we may not know why.

Some people are unreasonably afraid of a little thunder and if you ask them what memory is involved in the development of their fear, they may or may not have an answer.

My brother has two dogs; one is terrified of thunder and/or fireworks. The other is not. Is it foolish of me to imagine one dog as having an ancestor who was injured during a storm or by a cannon-like noise-maker? Is it not possible that the other dog has no ancestral experience with loud noises and their causes?

Would not DNA include such valuable instinct? DNA seems to favor pairs of sensors for most of our three dimensional measurements; why would the same DNA forsake the inclusion of other, potential, navigational advantages?

There are between thirty and fifty trillion cells in your body. Just because they’ve never been gathered in this current order before does not mean that each part of each cell did not play a part in trillions of dramas before you were born. The reason we can’t find thoughts to go with those experiences is due to the fact that thought is purely physical.

I suppose I should explain what I mean by “physical”.

Your thoughts arise out of, and partner with, your body. Your thoughts go so far as to stake claims on every part of your body. It is not difficult to put your thoughts in their place; you can ask your thoughts to explain how they grow your hair and your thoughts will reply with, “We don’t do that.”

Press the issue.

“So if you do not grow my hair, why would you demand the legal rights to this body?”

Your thoughts have an answer: “We coexist with the body in a symbiotic way.”

Your thoughts do as much as they can to provide pleasure and aid to your body and your body sends oxygen to your brain so it can create more thoughts.

Ask your thoughts, “Okay, so if you do not grow hair, but you do choose the shirt I wear, who grows my hair?”

“Evolutionary Nature!” will be the confident reply.

Everything we are made of has always been a part of something and everything we are today will be a part of something tomorrow.

Your DNA is gathering experience, drawing it off the bottom of your environment; trying to avoid stubborn, physical properties; including thought.

As we are purified in the furnace of this life-story, hair growth will likely settle on the bottom to be included in the next few upgrades, while shifting gears in a four-speed Camaro might spill over the top rim; never to be included as an instinct again.

If an entire generation of humans were to become completely complacent to violence, then violence would eventually seem like a fact of Life, rather than a cause for extreme measures.


Here is what I take from this lesson: Love is critical. The more we Love, the more likely Love and all of its properties will be included in upgrades going forward. Love never dies.

We see the results of things which do not die when we consider The Universe. The longevity of primal instinct is having the effect of die-hard, unreason. However, Love is more fundamental and beneficial to all future upgrades. Why consider The Universe? I could say, “Space never dies,” and it seems to work. There had to have been a space for you in this Universe; when your story ends, that same space will remain, changed forever by you.

There is a deeper version of You, beyond your physical properties; including your thoughts. That “You” is the space from which you arose and it is that space into which you go.

Our ancestors would usually refer to The Higher Self as The Spirit and its location as Heaven.

“The sun also ariseth, and the sun goeth down, and hasteth to his place where he arose.” ~ Ecclesiastes 1:5

You and I came up just like the sun, and we will go down just like the sun. it should not be a mystery that we arise again. Do we drag this life along?

Does the sun drag today into tomorrow?

What we do today will impact tomorrow, and all of your present thoughts and actions will impact generations to come. You won’t have the same thoughts in the next cycle, but You are The Space Around yourself and not yourself at all. This is precisely why you should be laying up treasures in Heaven. Every thought and action, devoid of Love, is corruptible; meaning: it has no lasting value.

If you are shot and injured, you will inform, at least a few generations, of the potential dangers associated with the sounds of cannons. But even that data will eventually fade if future generations shoot each other less. But if you are fortunate enough to have a child, you’ll “lay up” the most valuable treasure in the entire Universe: Love.

Love is the only thing you can experience and affect as a character and to the space around the character.

For Love’s sake, do not ignore your character. Eat, sleep, exercise and study to show thyself approved. However, mine all of the Love you can find and invest it all into the eternal annuity in your Higher-Self’s Name. I promise you that you will retire the body you have today. You will retire your dreams, your fears, your blue-jeans and tears. And when You retire, You will have whatever you put away.

I will put this in simple terms because I am a simple man:

If someone cut you off in traffic today, don’t even bother with trying to include that experience as a deposit into your eternal account; it is worthless. But if you exchange smiles with a stranger, and it made you feel glad to be alive, put that in there; it gathers interest.



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