A Complete Myth


The spiritual journey is the one that matters. Where you work, who you know or what you do are just side effects of being who you are. And being who you are is not a side effect of anything.

I read Dan Harris’s book, “10% Happier”. I believe his book helped me to be about 10% more joyful. So I would give him five stars for achieving what he set out to do and what he claimed to do. But I’ve become about 75% happier over the last four or five years. I did not achieve a thing by killing or abandoning my ego. I somehow knew that dissolution of the ego or the suspension of though would only get me so far. My method has been completely different and maybe more radical that Ram Dass. Dass and Leary swore by hallucinations, as did McKenna. I saw what they did there, but I knew that it would not be my path. Freeing the “I” of the ego is counterproductive when you consider that original idea.

I will mention my “Game Theory” again. Of course this is a metaphor, but God had a great idea. He wanted to have experience. In order to have experience, He could not identify as All. So He designed a game in which He would create actors who are supposed to make it through a very complex labyrinth. He decided the game should have an opening where actors begin and an opening as the ultimate goal. We have struggled with the two openings and we label them as “time”. Of course, God could have just fashioned actors and dropped them into the game and He could have watched them the way you’d watch an ant farm. But it occurred to God that He would not have any experience that way. He knew the labyrinth and He knew how it would end. The only way for God Himself to have any experience at all would be for Him to forget who He is in order to become an actor who feels partitioned from The Master and somehow on his own. He put on an earth suit, set a timer and willingly forgot who He is while having the experience of getting through this labyrinth. He will awaken in the end and He will then remember. However, having the wonderful experience of not-knowing will remain with Him forever. Who was God when He did-not-know who He was? I hope you have guessed. If you have figured it out, you are aware. If you haven’t figured it out, I can tell you, but unless you are aware, you won’t even agree with me: God is you.

What I just said there is not the same as saying that you are God. No, I am sorry, but you are not God. However, this does not prevent God from being you.

Here is another metaphorical way to think of this experience of Life. Just look in any mirror. You will notice that there is an almost perfect copy of yourself as a reflection. The details are so perfect that you can trust a mirror to give you an excellent representation of how you look. God’s first experience was to look in a mirror. He was singular, but a reflection gave him an image to consider. The first, uncaused Cause, was God, the second cause was caused by His reflection and He saw it as such until He became the reflection and called it “I”. Out of the eyes of the reflected, He does not see Himself, causing the phenomenon. This image is not only you, it is countless reflections in all directions. In order for God to have the desired experiences, He purposefully forgets Himself as each reflection. You happen to be one of those reflections. So the labyrinth is called Life and God is moving through it now; seeing every detail with your eyes, hearing every sound with your ears, feeling every rough or smooth place with your touch even tasting everything you eat.

The purpose of the labyrinth is not for you to find God; it is for God to have the experience of not-knowing.

God has a plan for you. If you will give this idea serious thought, you will eventually come to the place where you’ll see that it could never be otherwise. Not only does God want you to win; He has prepared a way for you to win. He will take any experience you choose to offer, but His plan is for you do be successful.

Now, I am about to give you the most important suggestion I can offer you: Love. It sounds so cliché that few people will stop long enough to even consider why it is so important. But I want you to take a moment and think about Love. There is a reason why we should include Love in our game-plan. If you can remember who You really Are, and that experience is Your goal, you should begin to realize that there will be experiences You will forget upon awakening and there are experiences You will retain in Your Profile forever. If you lie or do a misdeed of any kind, it will forever be forgotten. If you manage to Love and lovingly participate with all reflected images, you will not only enjoy this experience more; you will remember it as You.

Loving others is the most selfless, selfish thing you will ever do. It is selfless as a self because it takes the very energy of your experience and spreads it out for the sake of others, but it is selfish if you know enough about others to realize and accept that they are you. Playing a loving Game is to have the game remembered. Do you want to live forever? You can. Only in as much as you love will you carry on. You must lay up all of your treasure in heaven.




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