The Book Is Alive


Getting the difference between “I Am” and “me” is critical. This is difficult for everyone who will try. There is a reason: our bodies are all equipped with RAM, held in a 3-lb-organ. We try to discover the mysteries of Life with RAM. Suppose you wanted to search the internet, but you only had access to the random memory on your device. With the RAM, you won’t go very far into the mysteries of the internet. RAM can help you get there, but it really doesn’t hold larger files the way your hard-drive can. For even larger files, there is a cloud. In humans, I refer to this as The Akashic Library. But in living beings, there is not an internet as much as there is the Indra-net.

The differences are subtle. One is made up of seemingly endless connectivity, where data can be accessed and shared when the pathways are opened. The other is called Life and it connects everyone and everything – also more obviously when the pathways are opened.

In theory, All that ever was and ever will be Is.

The connectivity is so incredibly perfect that the illusion of partitions actually becomes necessary. Imagine an orchestra where we are all playing this Musica Universalis. If an upright bass and a tuba happen to play the same frequency, in the same moment, they blend so perfectly that they become silence. In order for there to be an orchestra, we must pan the tuba right and the bass left and they must be heard as opposites. In the same way, you must play the part of yourself, with the illusion of isolation. You must come across as unique so as not to become silent.

The feeling of being who you think you are gives rise to experience. If you were not playing that part, wearing that mask and the protagonist of your life-story, then experience would go on, but your persona would not have the experience of it. The net has set you in the interval where you find yourself, as the jewel you imagine yourself to be. However, you can consider the infinite net any time you want to. If you can believe it, then you’ll have the experience referred to as awakening. This is something you can capture with your RAM. It is not that you could ever hope to contain all knowledge, wisdom and experience within your onboard RAM, but you can, with that RAM, see that you’ve always had access to Oneness; only limited by an illusion which gives you the experience of yourself.

There are those, in history, who seem to believe they have tapped into the Hard-Drive at will. This would be like a small computer or device, unable to hold all of the data on the internet, but being able to dig around nonetheless. This analogy is not difficult if we compare ourselves to modern technology. I have a Smartphone and I am convinced I can use it to venture out to the vastness of the internet and retrieve specific data at will. If Edgar Cayce had had a Smartphone, he would have used it to explain how he gathered information from The Akashic Internet; not with a handheld device, but with his skull-held device.

I really haven’t decided whether or not I believe Edgar Cayce and his wild claims, but Rupert Sheldrake is terribly convincing. Sheldrake hasn’t used the terms Cayce used and he really doesn’t try to dramatize his theory of Morphic Resonance. Sheldrake is either crazy, flat wrong or surprisingly right.

I just happen to believe he is right to a degree. I think that future scientists will embrace some of Sheldrake’s ideas and, one day, point out how he almost had it.

I think that if anyone will stick to this the way I have, they will come to these same conclusions. We are participants with reality. As Anil Seth would probably argue, you are experiencing a simplified representation of the underlying complexity of reality. Hoffman might say that you are using your interface, looking at Icons, assuming they are reality; when they really only represent reality.

If you hear a bird singing, you are using your hearing-app. If you smell food cooking, you are using your smelling-app. If you are touched by another character, you will be using your physical-feeler-app to break it down. Each app is designed to take data we would never understand and run it through processors which yield experience in a simplified, localized way.

Does this prove the existence of God? Only if you want it to. To put a more atheistic spin on it, this proves the existence of you. What I happen to refer to as God is just The All. What I refer to as you is just one of the ways The All is expressed and experienced in a localized way, capitalizing on forgetfulness to enjoy the experience of an opposite; which I believe to be one in a series of forgetters, having begun with only one forgetter, setting off a chain reaction of opposites until you came along.

You are what happens when God blows Himself up.

I’m not referring to puffing here; I am talking about an explosion. We are all the result of God having come apart. This idea should not alarm anyone; God was not harmed in the making of this illusion. The law of conservation cannot be broken. From the singularity to you, it’s just scattered-God and that’s All.

God is having a blast and you are shrapnel from it.

Your entire life-story is but an unfolding of your part. You open like a flower in the morning of your youth. You are bright and colorful and a million seeds fall from the influence of your flowering. Of course the flower withers and dies and yes, some living flower cries, but that you’ve gone is of the lies, we tell until we realize how perfectly your pedals fertilize those seeds you dropped when still alive.

You cannot die. The story evolves and it could not be told in full without you.

There is your-life-story and there is Life’s Story. One is but a chapter and the other a volume. But hopefully you see that The Volume can never exclude any chapter.

You are having the partitioned experience of one, isolated, fictional character. That character will be bound in One Volume of Eternity’s Record of endless stories forever.

The Book is Alive and it always will be. You cannot die. You are a permanent part of eternity. You’ll be referred to forever and that will breathe life into your story, over and over.

Is this mystical? Only if you say so. I just say that it is necessary.


It is necessary for you to believe that you are you in the way that you would believe if you were not you, but another, who believes he or she is who they are.

Everything you can possibly experience is designed for experience. As a self, you cannot possibly see the underlying complexity. This is because Life is All Wave, until observed by you and when you observe, you make anything what it seems to be. This does not diminish the qualities of what you experience; once observed, they are as real as you think they are.

This will seem strange and it may never make sense, but All you have ever known, or ever will know, is but a block. You have willingly placed partitions in your entire story, where any one part will feel as though it is cut off from other parts. This is what we refer to as time, but if you could go through your story and remove all of the partitions, you’d see the entire story at once. There would not be a past and a future; there would be Now, as plainly and as presently as that sounds. However, if this were possible, the wonderful experience of opposing values would vibrate in only one frequency and that would silence the sounds of your experience and the whole event would disappear. By accepting life’s separateness, you give yourself something to be. Without an opposite experience, yourself would blend into nothingness; which I think would be rather boring.

We can either face Life’s challenges or we can dissolve.

Some drugs may have the effect of experiencing the dissolution of ego. For some, this experience has served to make them more aware that we are All One. In every case I have read about, the ones who see this by way of drugs, always choose to return to the play, where they dress out again in their ego-suit, and live a much more harmonious story from then on.

If ever you find that you are the alto voice in a quartet, you’ll be able to hear how your part enhances the tenor, the bass and soprano. We are not in harmony by being in unison; we are harmony because we are opposites. An awakened quartet, humming one note in unison, would be awareness without experience. To have experience, find your lane and get in it; we will all get together to reflect on the race in the end; and then, the gun will sound and we will go again.

This wonderful illusion is wonderful because it is an illusion. It is great to know this, but even greater to forget it.

“Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.” ~ I John 4:4 KJV

Are there really two “he’s” here? No, it is just that one is a “you” and the other is an “All”. The greater of the two possible truths is the one where “He” is “you”.

How do you get to this “He”? You do nothing differently. The experience you are having is the He in you. It is, by far, better than the experiencelessness of the He otherwise.

Just carry on and be you. It can be great fun to become aware of Oneness, while experiencing it as a self.

There is really only One one. If He removed all of our life-story partitions, He would get right back to dividing Himself up again; It is He who wants to be us all. It is all of us who want to be Him.

Here is the truth for today: not being you, would instantly take away experience; and to reintroduce experience again, you’d want to be you again.

Absolutely everything that is, is supposed to be as it is.


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