Those Who Shine


Desire is good. No matter what kind of desire it is. You can want to be wealthy, healthy, whole and cozy. There is really nothing wrong with wanting these things. In fact, it is our duty. We should want these things. I would go so far as to say that it is our responsibility to pursue joy.

Why would I say something like that? Because I have studied Life from every possible angle and absolutely everything points to Life as having sprang from Love and Life as if expanding through Joy.

Go all the way back to the beginning of the time period we are a part of. Now that is you and I, even if I’ve been dead for 100 years. This period began with the big bang; even if it was not very big and even if it did not go, “bang!”

The eruption from the singularity had a drive and that drive has a signature throughout nature. It is the drive to expand. The fundamental, uncaused constant is Love. From Love, arose consciousness. From consciousness, arose energy and from energy, things. You don’t have to go to lectures, read books, watch movies or anything. Just watch any plant.  The plant grows and has the drive of nature within it. It has that same drive to erupt and expand. The real drive is Love. Love is what nature wants more of. It’s what we all want more of. And why is this so? Because Love has only one desire; experience.

The simplest way to explain experience is to define it as opposites. If there is nothing other than another, then there is no experience. The more otherness we have, the more experience there is. Expansion is the growing of experiences. Love being fundamental and having no opposite, has the eternal will to develop as more of itself. That will evolved as thought and that thought is consciousness. The first thought was that expansion could only arise by mirroring itself as desirous intervals; but in space and time. You are one such interval. You are a product of the thought which arose out of Love as a way of expanding Love. So you were born of Love and the goal is to increase Love. The ultimate goal of every interval is to experience more of what made us. Don’t be surprised by the simplicity of this message. Sin has only one, real definition: to miss an opportunity to Love. When a seed falls to the ground and does not feed something or grow another plant, it has missed its opportunity. That’s a sin. When you meet another person and you fail to smile or encourage them, you’ve also missed an opportunity. Is that sin I just described punishable? Only in the way all sin is punishable: all sin dies. To say something died, in this context, is only to say that it did not enlarge or expand Love. Taken opportunities to Love are Life’s goal. Life is the physical representation of Love in action; expanding.

And this brings me right back to joy. Joy is what needs to take place in your interval. Define interval?

An intervening time and space. The unique thing about you is that you are your own jewel. Think about what it really means to intervene. Every particle is a jewel. Every crowd is a jewel. I’m being redundant when I say this because when I spoke of you, I am speaking of a crowd. When you think of yourself, you are most likely referring to several trillion, living cells who have all organized to become the experience of you. Each cell is organized of even smaller parts, enjoying each interval. It does not stop when scaled up to your body’s experience. You can then join another collection of cells and have two intervening experiences as a union. The two of you could have kids and then grandkids and eventually, millions of descendants. At any interval, along time’s only block, there will be varying expressions of the experiences you helped create while you were you. And you? You are one such variant, created by another experiencer along the same block. You are a jewel in the net of Indra. It is not about ancient religions. This is just how Life works. Love grows, sin dies.

Everything I have been saying in this essay is to shine a light on our responsibility to enjoy our interval. The more joy you have as a jewel, the better your reflective potential. What you must reflect is your joy. If you reflect it, shining out joy, you create more of it and that spreading of Joy is the same thing as the enlarging of Love and that is the only reason you are you.

Your personal joy is not something to be ashamed of; it is your responsibility. Those who shine are shined upon. Those who Love are Loved. Those who give are given to. There is no other call than to Love. If you are an agent of Love, you are rising above that which would prevent the light of Love through your reflection. You must allow joy to pass through you. It cannot be contained within your interval. It is necessary to reflect joy out in order to allow joy in. The only way to shine is to be shined on. But the experience Love demands requires you to make that choice and it begins with your choice to Love others. Others is defined as all of that which is not you.



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