It Must Have Been Love
With regards to my awakening:
It is actually possible that I really am nothing but a body
and a brain, having a local experience with what I sense as surrounding me. It is
possible, from my perspective, there was no former period and it may be that
nothing will survive me. It is possible that I am my body, arranged as I am because
of evolutionary upgrades uploaded into my DNA. All of this is possible and it
could only be possible if it was completely accidental and meaningless.
Nothing, therefore, really matters more than eating, drinking and being merry. If
this is the actual truth, there is no reason for me to consider anything
outside my bodily experience. I should seek comfort, material wealth, pleasure
and satisfaction. It should all be for myself and there is no reason at all to
invest any consideration outwardly. To attach my body’s experience to any
weighty issue would be a threat to my personal gain. Empathy would need to be
extracted and tossed in the burn-pile. Otherness would be something to avoid by
careful, selfish navigating.
“If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all
men most miserable.” ~ Paul to The Corinthians
I want to give you a synonym for Christ; I did not make it
up. Neville Goddard spent decades explaining this idea, this concept - this
loving explanation: Christ = Your Own Wonderful Human Imagination.
With this thought in mind, read Paul’s thoughts again,
replacing Christ with the imagination:
“If we imagine our hope to be limited to this personal life,
we are the most miserable people of all.”
Going back now – to the possibility that I am wrong: Yes, it
is possible, but if it is true, I am miserable.
I imagine something much bigger than me; and if it doesn’t
exist, I really don’t feel as though my life is very important. I’m not referring
to The Hebrew God, any man, or any figure at all; I am talking about my
“As with Adam, all die. As with Christ, all are made alive.”
~ Paul
What is Adam? Adam is your bodily, physical, personal story.
What is Christ? Christ is universal and spiritual.
What is sin? Sin is Adamic. Transgressive: to step over. Sin
is bound to die. Every part of the Adamic experience will die. It could be a
lie or it could be a mistake, but if it is not affiliated with The Universal/Spiritual,
it had a beginning. Anything that begins ends.
Can we see that which is not Adamic in our experience? We
cannot see it, touch it, hear it or taste it with our physical forms. However,
almost everyone knows of it in some way, in varying degrees. It can be felt,
but this feeling is a feeling beyond our physical feelings. It is a sense, but
beyond the five we are most familiar with: sight, hearing, smell, taste and
touch. We’ve made many attempts to categorize this sense, but the greatest
example is usually identified as Love. If we did not have the word “Love”, we
would probably try to explain the sense of Love in some other way. We might
say, “I have this feeling that others are somehow as important as I am; and I feel
this more strongly with the people I have close relationships with; in fact, I sometimes
feel that they are even more important than myself; so much so that I would die
for them.”
Anyone who was familiar with Love would say, “Oh, you Love
them. That’s all that is.”
Unlike the other five senses, those of a universal nature do
not have dimensions. I’ll deal with this for a moment: if you can touch
something, you can feel it, only if it is nearby. If you can smell something,
you are in the vicinity of it and its molecules are yielding something for you
to analyze. If you hear something, it must be loud enough to disturb some of
the air around you. If you taste something, it must be close enough to, or
laying on your tongue. If you can see something, you must be near enough to see
its shape, its colors, its shadows, contours and reflections. But love is
different than any of these senses. You can love someone, as we say, to the
moon and back. The fact that Love can be sensed without regard for space or
time, places this sense in an unphysical category. If it is not physical, it
cannot die, was not sourced in the body and must be universal. If it is
universal, it is spiritual by definition.
Now, I want to conclude by making a bold statement: If our experience
is limited to what we can sense with our body’s powerful senses, Love does not
exist. If Love does not exist, being miserable is reasonable. If Love begins
with a personal experience and dies like other senses, when the body dies, it
is very small and fragile. If Love for someone can still be sensed in their
complete absence, then their complete absence could never mean what it implies;
that they are offline. Love never dies. If Love never dies, it could not be a
part of an Adamic experience; it must be God.
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