Silence Of The Ram


It is not that I believe anyone needs to follow me. In fact, I would discourage that. However, I believe that the more we identify as One, the more joy we will experience collectively. At least some of my motivation is more selfish than it would seem. While I am hoping others will awaken, the reason for this is so that I have a better experience with more people. I want to love others, but I want them to love me too. The idea is that we could get back to Eden if we all discover Love.

I still have to deal with labeled people.

When we are born, someone labels us. The hospital or the care providers will examine our bodies and they check boxes. What is it? It is a boy. It has blue eyes. Its skin is pinkish. It has ten toes and ten fingers and it has weight. Then the mother and/or father will decide the branding; put the name “Mark” on the label.

Children leave the hospital and they go home and eventually begin to play. They find that fingers can grab things and this is fun. Little by little, the children are taught to align with their labeling. Here, wear this, read this, do this and think this. The programs usually run very well. It is best to upload as many as possible while the system is fairly empty. The information begins to frame a story and the story becomes important. Consciousness was an original feature of this system, but a well behaved child responds and interacts with RAM. When a very young child is alone or with other children, they silence the RAM and go back to an unlabeled environment. Adults call it pretending, never really giving much thought to what that word implies. Etymologically speaking, pretending means: before-stretch. To make believe is not to accept a lie and run with it; it means to find your way back to what you enjoyed prior to the labeling process. It means to have the experience of broadened conscious awareness. It means to imagine. To imagine is to “form an image of.”

As adults, we tend to forget how and why we played so well as children. If, as fully functioning, highly programmed adults, we try to pretend, our programming usually knocks any imaginary worlds offline. The better our programs, the less room for play. The random access memory of an intellectual human is so powerful that it successfully restricts being bypassed.

As a result of this storyline-life, many people seek a way back to the imagination. We don’t always know what it is we are looking for, but we usually feel as though there must be something out there; something more important and even better than the story or our lives.

If we consider the common themes found in most myths, religions or movements, we will begin to see that many of them are encouraging the imagination. Epiphanies and even religious experiences usually occur when someone steals away. What is stolen when we steal away? The labeled identity. Without the labels and without RAM, we enter conscious awareness.

It doesn’t have to be through meditation or some sort of ritualistic experience; one often enters awareness without knowing what just happened and why it feels so good. It could be a walk in nature, the feeling of a warm, summer breeze, the feeling one might get while sitting on a balcony, overlooking a city, the feeling of love with another; that dissolution of separateness. Millions of first kisses have had the effect of silencing the RAM; if only for a few minutes. Even more silencing has happened when parents or grandparents hold their newborns for the first time. The story – the one we thought of as vital – suddenly means very little by comparing it to something so real.

The only way in to Muscadine Valley is to leave your identity at the gate. You will want to have your identity stolen, I’m not referring to the criminal activity that goes by the same name; I am referring to the stealing away of your own identity. It’s the temporary suspension of your labeled identity; your life-story. There are countless ways to do this. A popular technique is meditation. It’s not for everyone, but the concept is to pause the RAM. RAM in animals works just like RAM in computers. This refers to memory and your memory is what you use to access all of the labeled files that your life-story has uploaded.

What about sports? Whether playing sports or being a fan, a game of any kind will require some attention to the game itself. If a famous player walks into an arena and focuses on his or her fame, it will have an unwanted effect on their game. Their RAM pauses and their subconscious begins to play the game better than they could ever play it with a detailed RAM running. If you listen, you’ll hear players explaining how thinking would just get in the way.

Why do certain activities sometimes yield more inner peace than others? Perhaps it is a video game, cutting grass, waxing a car or playing a guitar. It could be anything that requires focus without the complex instructions needed to tell your life-story. Focus on anything at all, without the demand for streaming thoughts, can be very calming.

Enlightenment is just realizing that you are only separated from Pure-Potential by a very small device which connects you to your most frequently opened files. When this RAM is running, our attention gives it energy. When we take our attention off of this device, the files remain, but we realize there are more unopened files than we can even imagine. With our RAM paused, it is sometimes possible to see some of the other files. This is often referred to as a mystical experience, salvation or even miraculous.

Pausing your RAM will get you to a better place. As with physical exercise, it is believed that any amount may be beneficial. Smiling can cause a digital-like scrambling of your RAM. Looking into the eyes of another and knowing you are their partner, in some way, will always help. Being kind, being helpful, being thoughtful, being charitable, being careful… all are ways of exercising the silencing of The RAM.

If, while you are looking for ways into The Valley, you begin to wonder what you will eat, what you will wear or where you will go, The Information will come to you in the form of thoughtful files; but you won’t see The Valley.

We are all parts of an unlimited experience, seamlessly connected to the pure potential of everything, everywhere, all the time. When you have the feeling that you are, instead, a body, with a name and a story, you are not wrong; just limited to your quick connections to your most frequently visited sites. It isn’t necessary, or even helpful, to get rid of your RAM. It is better to let it run; knowing that it’s not telling you all there is to know. There is a Valley and it stretches out forever in all directions. There is a doorway, or a gate, where you can see into The Valley, but the best view will always coincide with moments where you pause your RAM, whether on purpose or by accident.


“If the doors of perception were cleansed everything would appear as it is: Infinite” William Blake



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