
Recently, I sold 20 pallets of concrete pavers; each pallet containing 108 pavers. The buyer, Mr. C, is placing them in a garden/yard area around his son’s house, in order to form a courtyard effect. I cannot wait to see the results.

If you were to look at just one of the pavers, it would appear to have a random, curved design around the edges, but each paver is designed to join another paver on all four sides. It is necessary to join them according to the neighboring paver’s position. This will result in an interlocking, uniform landscape. While not as intricate as a jigsaw puzzle, the idea is very similar.

What does this have to do with human nature? It may even have more to do with nature itself. Every aspect of our surroundings may appear to be random and even curved in some way, but when you consider your immediate surroundings, your neighboring objects are designed to receive other neighboring objects ad infinitum; Your path is being prepared.

“Every valley shall be filled, and every mountain and hill shall be brought low; and the crooked shall be made straight, and the rough ways shall be made smooth.” ~ Luke 3:5 KJV

“The paths of good people are placed by God, and God is thrilled by each step they take.” ~ Psalm 37:23 MCV

There are too many references to your “Already-Prepared” path to mention. Who made the way for you? The way is a part of you; that’s why it only feels right when you are remain in it.

“I Am the way.” Is telling. Who do you mean when you say, “I”?

This question is important because it’s answer transcends the self. When I say “I”, it is not myself I mean. Otherwise, the self I refer to would not need the distinguishing prefix: “my”. The self belongs to the “I” but is not the “I”. So if I were to say, “I Am the way,” I am not suggesting myself is the way.

The I is the essence of who you are. The I is God.

If the I prepared a path for you, then there must be a very good reason for the way itself.

“Acknowledge God in whatever you do, and God will prepare a way for you.” ~ Proverbs 3:6 MCV

What does it mean to acknowledge God in all of our ways?

It does not mean to think of any ancient narrative or story about God; it means to be aware of God, and God, without a story, is only Love; but the purest Love of all.

At all times, there will be faith, hope and Love, but the greatest of these three is Love. ~ I Corinthians 13:3 MCV

“…God is love; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him.” ~ I John 4:16

To dwell means two things:

To linger in thought.

To reside within.

To dwell in Love is to linger there with thought and to reside in Love. This also means one is dwelling in God; God therefore dwells (thinks of and lives within) this individual.

What is the big deal? What is the difference? Why does Love matter?

Love is matter.

Your subjective experience of the objective world around you is based on what you dwell on.

Everything from the color of a rainbow, to the sound of a singing bird is there for your pleasure. If you are not thinking properly, you will miss the joy when it arrives.

“Finally, things which are true, honest, just, pure, lovely, of good report, virtuous or praiseworthy, think on these things.” Philippians 4:8 MCV

“As you think, so you are.” Proverbs 23:7 MCV

When Mr. C places a paver on the ground in his son’s garden, he tamps down that stone and he connects it carefully with other stones. He makes sure the paths are smooth. You have a loving Father who is working on your pathways too. He tamps down every paver and He makes sure the path is smooth.

Remember this: just because your path has been carefully prepared; you still have free will and you don’t have to walk on that path. You can only step off of your path if you forget who you are. Taking just one step away from Love is enough to cause trouble.

It is not so difficult to sit on a comfortable park bench and listen to a bird and imagine a connection to nature. We sometimes do this and a sense of oneness floods the moment. Then I find myself in a busy office, filled with people who are complaining and demanding some sort of action right now. It isn’t easy to feel the same sense of wonder and oneness in this scenario. Someone makes a snide remark and it does not sound like the bird in the park. But it is important to remember that I am the same person who sat on the park bench earlier. The paths to serenity will cross every situation we find ourselves in; we just have to find them and get back on them. Missing opportunities to Love is to miss the path. If we dwell on Love, we will see the path; Love lights the way.

“Love is a lamp, shining on my path.” ~ Psalm 119:105 MCV

When do lamps perform the best? Wherever there is darkness.

“Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that.” ~ Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

When you find yourself in a dark place, look for the light. It may be very far away, but it cuts through any situation and you can always find it. The key is to imagine. If you can linger on Love, you will find that The Light is coming from you. The light which seemed so far away will appear to move closer.

This play is filled with challenges. You are the hero. Your superpower is Love and it emanates as light from you. If you do not see yourself as the hero, this just means that you have not discovered your superpower yet.

“Walk in Love.” ~ Ephesians

“Walk in The Light.” ~ I John

“You are The Light.” ~ Matthew

“God is Light.” ~ I John

“God is Love.” ~ I John



This will change your life; and by “life”, I mean: “life story”.

This world is a stage. This is a drama and you are the star of the play. To Love is to be the hero of the story; and the only way for it to end well.



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