Joy As The Goal


Joy is what we are after. Love is the field where Joy can easily be mined.

This is what all of the ancient scriptures are actually saying. Why is it so important to Love?

I have an answer: if you cannot discover Love’s field, you cannot experience Joy and if you cannot experience Joy, then this act will be cut. The goal is Joy and the means is Love.

We sometimes forget that the actual goal is Joy. We think that we see other contenders, such as wealth, health, or achievements. We think fame would be a good substitute; until we are famous and then we see that it has no sustaining quality. You could literally have an Olympic-sized swimming pool full of one-hundred-dollar bills and be completely miserable instead of full of Joy. At the same time – and in the same breath – you could find yourself without two pennies you could rub together and be filled with Joy.

Don’t think it is selfish to have Joy; it is far more selfless than we could ever imagine. Joy is bread from Heaven. It is the manna – the “what is this?” we don’t understand. We awaken each day to the providence lying all over the ground. We are encouraged to go out and get enough for a day; and no more. We can gather for others; but we must be sure to give that portion away so it does not rot. We cannot put Joy in tomorrow’s jars; it will be ruined with the worms of entropy.

Why do I say that gathering Joy is selfless? Because the experience of Joy is not being had by the self; it is our sacrifice to The Higher Self.

This will not make much sense if the concept of a Higher Self is not clear. I will explain this as I experience it: The Higher Self is The Universe, having the experience of otherness as me. I do not think I am The Universe, but that does not prevent The Universe from thinking it is me. The Universe is Life, but a higher degree of Life than what I know I am a part of; The Universe is The Unparted. If you see this, you are awakened enough to know that Joy is not for the part; but for The Whole.

You are alive because you are wired into a local transformer. The substation is your lungs, your heart and all of that which keeps your body going. This includes your thoughts and your actions and interactions. What does a transformer do? It steps down the voltage coming from the grid (The Universe) to your dynamical part. What is the purpose? Why are you empowered in the first place? You are here to experience Life as Life wants to experience Life. You are extremely important too. Life, in the purest form, cannot experience otherness, because it knows it is One. The idea will always be the same: Life willingly reduces this knowledge in order to Not-Know itself. This is exactly where you come in. You are one such fractal, empowered by The One, to experience otherness as a way to discover Joy. When you do discover Joy, that very Joy goes into you and then right through you, back to the transformer, where it is stepped back up to UNIVERSAL Joy. That completes your assignment. You are a part of Life and the only thing you can offer Life is Joy. Of course you get to enjoy Joy as Joy becomes clearer and better understood, but it also goes to The Universe; to make IT glad. You will have done your part in the expansion of The Universe if you discover Joy.

How can you maintain your connection to The Grid? You attend to the transformer. That’s where your life comes from.

“…be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.” Romans 12:2

Don’t get too hung up on the step-down function of the transformer. This is where we get it wrong sometimes. Just because we have been given the low-voltage power to play a part, does not mean that every thing we do will benefit The Whole. Being a part is a free gift from The Grid, a Joyful experience of otherness is what God wants; that’s what we can offer. But any part played can only be played as a result of that stepped down, partitioned voltage coming out of the transformer. Having your part is a gift to your part.

Just to be clear:

“And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.”  II Corinthians 11:14 KJV

Who is Satan? That’s just us, missing opportunities to Love.

In this verse, Paul is reminding us that we are all going to find ourselves empowered by the stepped down voltage; that is nothing special. That just means we are here with free will, having our part; our story. The point is this: You have a purpose, and that purpose is to Love. If you can achieve that, you are cultivating Joy and that Joy goes back to the transformer, is stepped up and that is what pleases God.

Paul knew this too. He said so:

“…though I give my body to be burned, and have not charity, it profiteth me nothing.” I Corinthians 13:3 KJV

This is why Paul also said that those who are in the flesh cannot please God. He did not mean that having flesh is not good; he just meant that it doesn’t benefit God. What we can do in order to please God is to offer Joy to God. This is Joy that you can experience and that experience can be boosted to benefit The Universe. It’s your private experience of Love, gathered by the giving of it. When given, Love creates Joy and Joy is what God is after. That’s exactly why He made you. As a benefit to having your human-life, you can experience the very Joy you will be offering to God.

God has a purpose for you. He wants something from you. God wants Joy and He wants a lot of it.

Think about this: God could not have ever experienced Joy without otherness. There is no experience unless there is an opposite. This explains creation. From a singularity’s point of view, there is no point at all. There would have to be that which is not, in order to reveal that which is. God, by definition, would also be Nothingness, by definition. This is not blasphemy; it just means that the earth was without form and void. It seems we can all agree on that.

Two halves of nothing are instantly something. Where they divided for the first time gave rise to positive and negative for the first time. Time: the way to measure the distance between intervals as they explode into positive and negative parts of what was only No-Thing. There is a universal net covering everything. You are a divine jewel, in one of this net’s intervals. Of course, this too is a metaphor. I have to use parables, myths and metaphors to talk about that which has no form of its own; it’s nothing really.

I have written a book and it is called The Purpose of Love. Love’s purpose is revealed in you. You will know the purpose because it is innate in you. It is what you are seeking; even when you don’t know you are seeking. It is the cultivation of Joy. You can have millions of experiences for yourself. You could have a good meal or you could win the lottery. You could buy a big house, a new car and rooms full of fine furniture. These things can happen. But there is not even one ounce of Joy to be found in one hundred ounces of pure gold. Joy can only be experienced when otherness increases the volume of Love; and when that experience happens, it happens for The Whole; for God. It is not just kindness. It is Joy, by way of, through and in favor of Love.

God is Love; therefore, it is not Love God is after. He IS Love, He does not desire Love. He desires Joy. Joy, unlike Love, requires otherness and God has provided us with Otherness. This is The Purpose of Love. Be transformed. Mine Joy. Send Joy back to The Source and there, it will be increased. This is exactly why it has been said:


“Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again.” Luke 6:38 KJV


You are not here to enlarge God; you are here to enlarge God’s experience of Joy. It had to be you.

“Thou wilt shew me the path of life: in thy presence is fulness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore.” Psalm 16:11

Sowing in tears results in the reaping of joy.

“The kingdom of heaven is like unto treasure hid in a field; the which when a man hath found, he hideth, and for joy thereof goeth and selleth all that he hath, and buyeth that field.” Matthew 13:44 KJV

The Kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but it is living right, having peace and gathering/giving joy.  Romans 14:17 MCV

God Is The I AM. If you imagine God as having all that He could possibly need, you’d be correct. But that doesn’t necessarily mean He has all he wants. If you knew all there was to know about yourself, you’d know that there is simply no way to separate yourself from God’s Love.

“For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God.” Romans 8:38, 39 KJV

If God cannot be added to and I cannot be severed from His eternal Love, then what’s the point?

I’ll answer this here:

“God is having the time of your life.”

Love wants to express itself as otherness. Why? For the fun of it. Love could not experience joy without misery; so we have both. Love could not enjoy light without darkness; so we have both. Love could not expand without division, so here we are; partitioned – not for the sake of isolation, but in order to increase joy through our otherness.

Every nine-volt battery of joy, shared only once, results in eighteen-volts of joy (not 4.5-volts as one might imagine) the individual you just shared one nine-volt smile with, now has her own, nine-volt smile and you still have yours. She can give hers away and still maintain her own nine-volt smile. But each time that nine-volt smile is shared, the net of smiles increases and the voltage of joy finally empowers The very expansion of Joy’s Grid.

Joy has no power other than The Field of Love. Love is limitless in that power; but has only one desire, and you know this because it is also your fundamental, innate desire: To Experience Joy.

This is The Purpose of Love. It is to empower Joy in order to increase Joy.

“He must increase, but I must decrease.” John 3:30 KJV

I am a part, being played by God. The part had a start and it will end.

“Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away.” James 4:14 KJV

This event I refer to as my life is not important. If I can enlarge the experience of Joy, while enjoying this event, I will have been important.

Stay plugged in to the unlimited source of Love eternal. Intervals are inevitable, but joy is optional. When chosen, and given, joy increases and becomes your eternal treasure. Lay up that treasure by tapping into Love. Your casa es His casa.

With blocks of Joy, you are building your own mansion. If you will give joy, you will be glad now and then.




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