Matryoshka Theory


The library I mention is one I refer to as The Akashic Library. It is not a library made of wood or stone, but of memory alone. You and I, as selves, cannot open any book in the library. We cannot even discover the library in a physical way.

I am referring to The Universal Athenaeum and it stretches out in all directions infinitum. The library is not only filled with the records of antiquity; it is filled with the records of futures, forevermore. It is not simply human history; it is astral history and astral prophecy. It contains the ends and beginnings of all civilizations; including our own, brief stay.

We are a part of only one, bright spark, behaving like a flare which has erupted from a single rocket, during only one, fireworks show. Our entire universe is the result of having been lit and sent skyward, to explode this once, with brightness, followed by cooling darkness. Somewhere in the middle of that one flare, we find ourselves having formed on only one speck, never observing how we look from where the ancient rocket was lit.

We’ve developed a measurement for distance across our speck and it has been a very helpful invention. We measure temperatures and we get a lot of data from those measurements. We even measure the brevity of this adventure with what we call time, but to our ultimate Observer, the spark is a swift one. If only we could see how quickly the development and fading of a universe like ours plays out to The Observer, the flash of what we call forever would be more than we could ever hope to comprehend.

Science is now considering it a breakthrough that they now see the cosmic microwave background. It really is quite impressive to me, but to The Observer, it would be like a particle, within a spark, having beings who have worked out the edges of the spark. In other words: it would be too insignificant to consider.

Who is the Observer?

I Am.

Oh no, not me. Of course it is not me. It is I.

It is The Sum Total of All; which can never be summed up.

Can we ever understand The I?

Only as far as we could ever hope to understand any limitless value. When we think about time going back forever and also going into the future forever, we still tend to imagine an envelope, where foreverness is somehow contained. Forever, however, is never a state; it is that from which states arise. We come to the same limits when we think about space. While our own universe does have limits, it is within the-dimensionless. We really aren’t equipped to imagine an area with no dimensions. Space is not a state.

As for the fireworks show we are a part of, I like to imagine a young man, lighting a rocket, only so he can watch how it blows apart in the night sky. And I am within only one of the brief flares he sees. He is The Observer I talk about, but he would necessarily be on an earth of his own, limited on an unimaginable scale; for me anyway. To him, I would last less than a second, and to me, his lifetime would seem like millions of years. And at some point, he too will begin to wonder about his universe, only to come to this Matryoshka-Doll thought. The limitless layers of reality are well beyond our ability to fathom. Of course, the young man who lit the rocket from which my universe erupted is within an eruption, happening just as fleetingly on the next level.

As a human form, with a human brain, I naturally want to get to the bottom of this bottomless thought. Having no answers and no way to find them is frustrating to me. However, there is a way to clear things up: it is All Imaginary. There is only One Essential I without cause; Love.

Love is not the first thing; it is what the first thing grew out of. Love is forever, but it formed a layer to begin time. That layer was around Love and Love doubled in every way. Love observed itself and That first layer had no identity. It was of Love, but could not experience Love. So another layer developed around the first layer. Now there were two layers of Love; (The Uncaused is not a layer). The first Layer was The Father and the second Layer was The Son. So there was I, looking at itself as in a mirror. With a Father and a Son, it is possible to have an imagination beyond The Two. This Imagination is what we would call Spirit. The Spirit has endless experiences forever.

We are within this eternal net of creative imagery; as one jewel, reflecting all of the others; forever.

This is Indra’s Net. It is not The Uncaused. The Net is a product of The Imagination and The Imagination is produced by The Spirit of opposition, caused by One: The Father and Two: The Son.

Matryoshka, the word, is derived from a similar Latin word, Matyrona and it literally means: Mother or Little Mother. And we could point to our use of Mother Nature to describe the same event.

Of course, we could – and we do – use the word Nature to describe this Imaginary Unfoldment of The I.

When you go outside and consider the night sky, you are really, only looking at the very sparks and flares of the same eruption you arose from. On the ground, on a scale beyond our own imagination, a young man stands, gazing up at the resulting demonstration he created with his rocket and his match. The event lasts seconds to him. Our universe is presently expanding for his entertainment. Within just one of the countless sparks, there are particles we call planets and on one of the smaller particles, you and I stand; taking it all so seriously.

The layers of this reality form spiritual rings of The I, forever. Without the layers of Imagined Reality, there are but two layers: The Father and The Sun. Without The Father and without The Sun, there is only The I and I Am Love.

Love is nothing and everything; it just depends on whether you are observing beyond the layers of Father and Son or within those layers, where No-Thing exists.

So finally, back to The Library, The Akashic Library. How could it contain All? Because All forms are imagination only. The Father and The Son made All in their imagination. This imagination does not obey any of the laws of thermodynamics. The laws are applicable to the forms which result from Imagination and Imagination does not obey the laws. This is why the future can be informed by the past and it is why the present can be informed by the future. If you knew which volume to check out, you could literally go to The Akashic Library and discover the lottery numbers for next week. The text would be on faded, yellowing pages; almost as brittle as sheets of sand in the desert. You could flip through those very pages and read all about the last day on earth, when the lifeless rock finally fades within the growing sun’s horizon. You could turn the page and see what becomes of the sun.

Still, you do not die. Nor were you born. You may already be familiar with the way our minds project our reality; but it may not have occurred to you that you are, yourself projected, from The Mind of The Father and The Son; a beautiful hallucination, purposefully thought of as a way to experience the limitless joy of otherness. If you are enjoying your life-story, you are giving this joy; an offering to God. The more Joy, the more you. The more you, the more Love. The more Love, the more eternally full you become. Lay up your treasures in heaven. It is not things; but Joy and Joy is only Love being experienced.



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